Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Dragoons

Today I went for a 5-hour hike in the Dragoon Mountains just north of Tombstone. This was my fourth hike with the Bisbee Mule Team hiking group. The highlight of the hike was the pictographs, thought to be from the Mogollon peoples who lived in the area around 1,000 years ago. The Mogollon are the same tribe who moved north and inhabited the Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico.

Ancient alien eggs waiting to hatch, or Mesozoic granite rocks—you decide.

Cochise, the fearless leader of the Chiracahuan Apache people is believed to be buried somewhere in the Dragoons. The grave has yet to be found.

The White House Ruins, adobe walls from a horse ranch, probably last used in the time of Cochise.

Council Rocks, where Cochise and a general of the U.S. Army met to work out a treaty to end hostilities.

A shelter occupied buy the Mogollon people a thousand years ago.

Mortars for grinding grain (Mogollon, 1,000 CE).

Mogollon petraglyphs.

Part of Council Rocks.

Mogollon petraglyphs.

Mogollon petraglyphs.

Council Rocks.

The return featured grasslands.

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