Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Finding the Mural Hill Approach to Zacatecas Canyon (1)

I was thrice unsuccessful finding the Zacatecas Canyon to Mural Hill connection, with three trails that petered out, one resulting in the bushwhack ravaging of my legs and arms. This time, I decided to try a different approach, from the east or Mural Hill side. The hour being rather late, I had to turn around, but I did see a few trails that might be candidates on future hikes. One is an old overgrown mining road. That is what I followed today.
Mural Hill in the distance.

Mural Hill, center, behind the cholla.

The path I hope to take next time out.

Today's final destination.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Echo Canyon & Heart of Rocks

Today, our hiking club the Mule Team planned a hike in the Chiricahua National Monument, an almost 2 hour drive from Bisbee. The hike was the Echo Canyon Trail, a beautiful but short hike of only 3.2 miles. Too short for such a long drive. So, Ira and I drove separately and decided to incorporate the Heart of Rocks loop for a total of about 8 miles. This extension took the Sarah Deming Canyon Trail to the loop. Starting out it was cold and windy but that changed as the sun ascended and we descended. Lots of snow on the trail as well, mostly in the shady spots. 2:45 minutes and over 2,000 feet of elevation gain. Great hike with cerulean skies and phantasmagorical rock formations.  Next week, temps in the 60s and 70s.
Photo by Ira.

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Yes, Russ, the sky really is this blue in Arizona.

The hike was actually about 8 miles as this counted the .6 mile Heart of Rocks loop twice.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Zacatecas Canyon to Juniper Flats

My hiking buddy Ira thought we should do a little local hike, up Zacatecas Canyon, then cross over to Juniper Flats and back. Maybe 2-2 ½ hours we thought. That turned into 3 ½ hours, 9.7 miles, and 2,000 feet of elevation gain. Some great views, however, and we got to revisit the interesting park/eco-community created by local artist and architect Todd Bogatay.

Looking out from Todd Bogotay's eco-community.

Shelter and water collection platform built by Todd Bogatay for his eco-community.

View from Juniper Flats.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Yaqui Trail

Hey, Cheeto Mussolini: My friend Ira and I took a hike down to the Mexican border today, crossed through the gaping hole in the barbed wire fence, and had a leisurely lunch in Mexico, fuck you very much. Good luck building a wall in that neck of the woods you insane clown nitwit. Clouds quickly gave way to sunny skies thanks to the 40-60 mph winds whipping across the ridge and all the way down the Yaqui Trail to the border. 55º and sun made it tolerable. 7.1 miles round trip at around 2.9 mph, with about 2,000 feet of elevation gain. Good little workout which made the illegal Mexican lunch (PB and tart cherry jam sammy) even more delicious.

Beautiful Mexico. I could live there.


Sitting down for lunch, in Mexico (note the border running to the horizon).

Panorama view of Mexico.

The purple line marks the border.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Price Canyon Trail

Took a 1½-hour road trip this morning deep into the Chiricahuas, to the end of Price Canyon Road (4-wheel drive and lots of clearance required) to hike up Price Canyon Trail. The trail is no longer kept up by the State because of Republican assholes (what else) and it shows. Fires swept through a few short years ago allowing for a lot of downed trees and the subsequent and inevitable erosion. Hard to follow the trail, with many false turns and lots of bushwhacking. We had to turn back after only 2.5 miles because snow further obscured the route. The trip back was only 1.6 miles because we didn't lose the trail on the way back. Beautiful area, though, and one that would be worth returning to in warmer weather with a machete to clear out.

A view northeast, toward New Mexico.

The return trip only as I forgot to record the hike on the way out.

Friday, January 13, 2017


Pursued some dead-end trails today with my hiking buddy Ira. Lots of miles and not much else. I think the high of 63° was reached shortly after we left at 10:30, a cold front and clouds brought in by a brisk wind. 

Tucson VA ER via Golden Gate Mountain and the David Yetman Trail

  Yes, you probably read that wrong; Tucson VA ER is not a trail, but rather the emergency room at the Tucson VA Medical Center, which I gr...