Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Vermont Tour (Day 10: Back to Burlington)

The last day of riding was almost too stereotypically Vermont quaint, with amazing weather, blue skies, and one charming scene after another. We did have a bridge detour that added six miles to the 55 miles from Middlebury to Burlington, but we almost welcomed the added time in the saddle. A few hills, but nothing like the previous few days.

Stopped in the picturesque village of Vergennes for a delicious latté.

I imagine there're more than a couple Shoppes in this town, some no doubt ye olde.

Gilfeather's Fine Provisions in Ferrisburgh was quite a find, a fantastic little deli. I had a pasta salad and a thick slice of lemon cake that was as dense as it was tart. We also bought maple pecan bars that were so rich we had to take several swings at them before they were finally devoured on the train ride home.

Lily pads.

Lake Champlain.

Okay, there were a few hills.

Von Trapp (yes, that von Trapp) Dunkel Lager.

Hand made pappardelle with smoked mushrooms at Pascalo Ristorante in Burlington. Un. Fracking. Believable.


We almost forgot to leave Pat in Burlington, former home of the Socialist mayor and our mutual hero, Bernie Sanders. We were in for the night, however, so we made use of our fourth-floor window.

Nomad is the perfect coffee with which to end our journey. Oh, and it's Damon spelled backwards.

Bagging up the panniers. These Osprey Airporter duffels really did the trick.

Third world infrastructure. Thanks Republicans.

Spotless and now unused galley. All the meals on the Capitol Limited and Lake Shore Limited routes now only serve cold boxed meals.

The Amtrak dining car has become a pretty dull and empty place since they stopped serving proper meals.

One book I read on my bike tour was former head of Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richard’s memoir, Make Trouble, and in that spirit, I wore this Raygun t-shirt while off the bike in D.C. and other select cities, and on the train home. It was a hit with some people; others, not so much.

Approaching that dirty old town, Chicago.

Revolution Anti-Hero IPA, Chicago True Foods.

Last beer of the tour and one of my favorites: Bell’s Two Hearted Ale at the Metropolitan Lounge at Union Station , waiting for our last train. This tour is over.

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