Sunday, December 16, 2018

Linda Vista Trail to Pusch Peak

This was a surprisingly challenging bit of real estate. While it was only 4.3 miles out and back,  the elevation gain of almost 2,700 feet occurred primarily in the last 1.5 miles. Any steeper and we would have been on all fours or pounding pitons into the rock for purchase. Made it up in under 1:40. 

Had a ten minute conversation on the way down with a Chinese couple from Taiwan. The woman is a Mandarin teacher in a Tucson high school. She told me about an authentic Chinese restaurant (besides our favorite, Jun Dynasty 和顺园—literally, amiable garden), called Ba-Dar (八达). It looks authentic enough, if the Chinese menu is any indication. Can't wait to try it. 

But back to hiking. Also on this hike were John, the hike leader, a geographer, and member of the Oro Valley adventurers (which we all are), Phil, a hydrologist and professor with the University of Arizona, and Jack, a retired Canadian Air Force pilot.

That rock outcropping is masking our peak, but that just means we have to climb beyond it.

Beautiful day. Chilly 50 degrees at the start, but I almost immediately doffed my micro puff jacket. It ended up in the low 70s by the end of the hike.

Friend and hiking pal Jack.

Beautiful pic by Jack.

Another beautiful pic by Jack. 
Yet another photo by Jack.

This is it (photo by Phil).

You can just make out the circular Geologic Survey medallion pressed into the rock.

This is it in closeup, rather battered.

Another group of hikers on the adjacent outcropping.

We actually made it up in under 1:40, but I forgot to take a screen shot until, well, 1:44:33.

Jack, me, Phil, and John (photo by Jack).

Jack, happy as usual with the payoff of great views.

Oro Valley in the background. Thank the hiking gods we're well beyond the cacophony of exurban sprawl.

Searched in vain for desert bighorn sheep, who populate these hills.

More Oro Valley views.

Some spectacular clouds today.

Back to the trailhead.

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