Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Blackett's Ridge Redux

The Blackett's Ridge Trail, in the Sabino Canyon area of NW Tucson, offers a great heart-pounding ascent with minimal time commitment. I hiked it with my buddy Ira back in February, 2017, a bright day with better pics than I have on offer here.

This is the hike I should have done for my first foray into thinner air since leaving 900-foot Des Moines. It certainly would also have been better on the thighs than the steeper and rockier Finger Rock Trail I hiked instead, three days ago. A quick (under 3 hours) 5.9 miles up and down, with 1,780 feet of gain spread out over the last 2 miles or so, and decent views to boot. I must say, getting back in the saddle, so to speak, was just the remedy for my remaining aches and pains from Saturday's hike. Even my arms ached from all the pole work (not what you think) on the descent.

Coming up on Thursday, the 13-mile Romero Canyon hike in the Santa Catalinas. Already can't wait.
Tucson the way I like it—beyond the sound of traffic.

My new friend and hiking pal, Jaques, a retired Canadian Air Force pilot from Quebec and formidable hiker, who keeps me on my game.

A view down into Sabino Canyon.

More views of "civilization."

Looking back on one of three false summits on this hike.

Gratuitous saguaro picture to remind the gentle reader that we are in the saguaro zone.

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