Saturday, December 22, 2018

Loop de Loop

Since I hiked over 17 miles on Thursday, and considering my advanced age, I didn't feel I should push it by taking on another strenuous hike with only one day recovery, so a somewhat more isometric bike ride seemed in order. Tucson has a pretty amazing  recreation trail called the Loop, and it's over a 130 miles all told. We live about 1 ½ miles from the closest access point, a quick ride down La Cañada, which itself has a bike lane.

The loop is impressive, but I must say Des Moines, a much smaller city, has three times as many paved recreation trails as Tucson, over 400 miles worth. However, we generally don't have 75º temps in late December. I know, we probably will in the near future, but in the mean time...

The Loop is much wider than many of the roads I biked in Ireland 20 years ago. On the other hand, I love Ireland; Tucson-the-screaming-traffic-city, I tolerate.

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