Sunday, December 8, 2019

Agua Caliente Hill Trail

Today I joined the Tucson Hiking Meetup Group for a nice little nine mile hike up the Agua Caliente Hill Trail and almost 3,000 feet of elevation gain. It turned out to be easier than the training hike I anxiously worked into my schedule two days ago, despite the fact I could still feel that workout. It'll take a couple weeks yet to acclimate myself and get hiking fit.  

This particular group of hikers, a mix of older and younger hikers, was quite a hardy, fit group, and a pleasure to hike with. I knew one person—my hiking pal Misty from last year—but the other ten were new to me. A very pleasant 75 degree day, slightly cooler at the top, with little wind. There was some discussion as to whether this trail was in the Santa Catalinas or the Rincons. We settled on it being at the juncture of the two ranges, a consensus based on supposition more than fact, but none-the-less agreed to by all.

Partly cloudy skies gave way to azure.

Typical Saguaros in their native, narrow altitude range, gave way to scrub oak and other higher altitude vegetation.

A canyon beside the Catalina Highway in the distance.
One of the few flat spots on this rather inclined trail.

 A few more of these 1,800 calorie burning hikes might help to diminish my beer protuberance.

The ammo box containing the hiker log book contained some other odds and ends, presumably a geo cache. Fellow hiker Anya took this shot of my monkey tie.

This is a dog-friendly trail and this couple had a couple of Doodles happy to meet any stranger.

The last half mile was quite steep, with about 750 feet of elevation gain.

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