We had talked for years about combining two of our favorite hikes into a point-to-point: Hutch’s Pool and Romero Canyon. We finally made it happen. And to do so required hiking from Catalina State Park off Route 77 up in Oro Valley, to the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area on the northeast side of Tucson—to the tune of over 20 miles. The logistics were a hassle, getting up early and parking cars at both locations. But what a beautiful and varied hike. Plus, we got to see a birds-eye view of Hutch’s Pool and discovered the springs that feed it.
The hike was also marked by several river crossings—over 40 in all, across mostly dry beds—and two sides of a range that could hardly be more different. Romero Canyon, with it’s steep assemblage of rocks and boulders and switchbacks, and an elevation gain of 4,000 feet over 7 miles; and the West Fork Trail side, with smooth sandy paths wending their way down a gentler slope for 13 miles, more reminiscent of Colorado wilderness than Arizona. And what a relief after the hard scramble up Romero; our feet were grateful.
Both sides of the hike still showed signs of the massive fire that swept through and burned 120,000 acres in these Santa Catalinas in June of 2020. Lots of burnt-out hulks of oak and fir and cacti. The trails themselves were in great shape, and clearly the park services (federal and state) have been busy with maintenance.
Hit the trail at 7:00am while it was still dark, with the temperature a brisk but calm 38°, which would top out at 67° for the day.
This elevation graphics the right really sums up the hike.
Video preview of the hike provided by All Trails.
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Map of route (black line) , sans final four miles through Sabino Canyon.
Started out cold and dark. I had to use a headlamp for the first mile or so. Great hiking weather.
Looking down on Oro Valley, something I often do.
First glimpse of the Romero Pools. Did see a camper and his son with an illegal fire. Freedoms!
Minimal water feeding the streams and pools, which mostly are relying on springs during this dry month. |
One of my favorite campgrounds on this hike.
One last push up to Romero Pass.
Where we're going.
Where we've been.
We will take the West Fork Trail (#24) over past Hutch's Pool to the Sabino Canyon trail.
Already liking the look of these trails as my dogs are barking from the rugged Romero Canyon.
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(Photo by Misty Atkins) |
Another option wold be to hike up to Cathedral Rock and back down via the Esperero Trail, which we made the mistake of taking last season from Ventana.
Apparently, God herself placed this boulder here around 6,000 years ago, when she was busy making this place.
First glimpse of Hutch's Pool, or at least the spring which feeds it.
A better view of the pool, which is pretty low compared to last year, when we couldn't reach it from the east due to high water. That was another epic hike of 20+ miles.
Our idyllic lunch spot.
The last leg, the Sabino Canyon Trail, which would prove to be as rocky as Phoneline and Romero, much to the chagrin of our put-upon feet. |
20 miles! Great pictures. I have questions about Mae West Peaks.
DeleteThink Grand Tetons.