Sunday, January 19, 2020

Ventana Canyon to Window Peak

The last time I hiked up to La Ventana (the Window), the Ventana Canyon Trail was shrouded in mist and mystery. This clear blue day revealed the frightening reality of a trail that is often narrow and precipitous, sometimes slick—even icy toward the top—and almost always, relentlessly rocky and steep. 

Last year, we did a point-to-point hike, taking the Ventana Canyon Trail up, and the bush-whack worthy Esperero Canyon Trail down to Sabino Canyon. This time it was up and back on the Ventana Canyon Trail, except for the last little bit (2 miles) on the Esperero to reach the top. The Esperero is now so overgrown, one would need a machete to hike it down to Sabino. 

Beautiful mid-70s temps, and nary a cloud in the neon-blue skies. I went through three liters of water and could have used more. Passed a few other hikers on the way up, most of whom were only going so far as the Maiden Pools, 2.5 miles up. I must say, I was a little taken aback at what I discovered when I reached the Window. Let's just say...well, read on below.

Maiden Pools, taken on the way back down when it was devoid of noisy bipeds.

Maiden Pools.

Snow-capped Mica Mountain in the Rincons.

The last mile or so had some ice and snow in the shady areas. I left my microspikes and missed them, relying on my hiking poles to keep from slipping into the abyss in sections.

The Window is up there some where.

Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the window had been updated to the new architecture series from Pella.

Just kidding. Couldn't resist the Photoshop and stupid joke. My wife just called me a nerd.

Standing up here is not for the faint-of-heart or weak-of-knees.

Looking south toward Oro Valley

Most people forget there actually is a Window Peak as the star attraction is La Ventana itself. Few people actually hike the extra ½ mile up and back.
Looking south.

The beauty of this canyon with its big-boulder cragginess comes at a cost to one's hips, knees, and ankles. Well worth it I might add, until that first surgery. So far I've been lucky with all my joints.


Tucson VA ER via Golden Gate Mountain and the David Yetman Trail

  Yes, you probably read that wrong; Tucson VA ER is not a trail, but rather the emergency room at the Tucson VA Medical Center, which I gr...