Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pontatoc Canyon

Looking across the canyon at the terminus of the Pontatoc Ridge Trailwhich itself ends abruptly, 
at a cliff wall.
The Pontatoc Canyon Trail is deceptively challenging but lives up to its difficult rating because of how steep the elevation gain is, especially the last two miles. Pretty slow going on the way up, but because of the boulders and talus, not blazing on the way down. I hiked the first two miles of this trail last month, but as it was late in the day, I had to turn back. This is one trail I wouldn't want to be caught out on after dark without a headlamp. 

Great weather today, after a chilly mid-fifties weekend. Clear skies and high sixties now through the coming week.

One AllTrails reviewer complained that because the trail ends abruptly near a canyon wall, he couldn't rate it any higher than three stars because it ended in a nothing burger. I actually found the hike quite beautiful, much like the rest of the Pusch Ridge Wilderness. I feel a hike is the totality of the journey, not any one point on the trail, such as the end. I will say, however, that the shorter Pontatoc Ridge Trail offers more in the way of unobstructed views as one would expect from a ridge hike.

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