Thursday, January 23, 2020

Pontatoc Ridge Redux, With My Bro

My brother Jon came to town to hike and do an overnight backpacking trip as an equipment shakedown for our six-day Grand Canyon trip in May. We had a couple hours free the first morning after he arrived with his 400-foot Dallas lungs, so I took it easy on him with the Pontatoc Ridge Trail. Jon is a strong hiker, so whatever I threw at him would be okay. Last year it was the eight-mile Wasson Peak trail straight after picking him up from the airport, so this wouldn't be much to contend with. 

This trail is only a little over four miles out and back and only rises to 4,500 feet. Beautiful morning, 45 degrees at the trail head and 60 by hike's end.

Jon, and his sunny personality.

Jon selfie.

(Photo by Jon Damon)

(Photo by Jon Damon)

(Photo by Jon Damon)

(Photo by Jon Damon)

(Photo by Jon Damon)

(Photo by Jon Damon)


  1. Love the photos and text! And I love that my brothers were here together with me in AZ <


Tucson VA ER via Golden Gate Mountain and the David Yetman Trail

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