Monday, May 28, 2018

Bike Touring Kit (Part 2)

Titanium camping gear might be light but at least it's expensive. This little piece of kit, two pots and two frying pan/lids set me back about a hundred bucks 10 years ago. I will admit, it's lighter than a pound of feathers but, considering how little I generally care about weight on my touring bike, it's not something I would pay extra for now that I'm no longer a taker-teacher sucking at the public teat but a taker-retiree living on a state pension. And a pound of feathers might be about as useful.

Nice non-stick pans that I only really use for boiling water or for eating out of.

These two Snow Peak items in mesh are well disguised. I'm being coy for a reason: embarrassment perhaps? The other item isn't titanium and weighs more than double the two titanium pieces.

So, there you have it: titanium double-walled mug, titanium coffee press [sic], and an acrylic imperial pint glass (never mind what the beers weigh). Also, Mug+ press: $100.

This is what I used to do for camp coffee, a cute little mini espresso maker with it's darling enamel camp cup (watch included for perspective). This whole setup weighs about as much as my entire titanium collection.

And last but least: titanium silverware. Pretty unnecessary, but what else am I gonna spend $20 on? The spoon is handy for making black and tans in my acrylic pint glass.
The whole titanium kit & caboodle weighs in at about one pound.

By comparison, my new camp chair weighs about two pounds. Thank the gods I have all that titanium so I can splurge on a camp chair.

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