Sunday, June 3, 2018

Dam Side Distraction

Not being in a particularly good place to hike, I generally just bike for exercise while in Iowa. Never been a runner (doesn't go well with my body type, personal ambitions, or need for interesting activities), but my sister Susy, a long-time Dam to Dam proselytizer managed, after registrations were closed, to get three family members into the last real Dam to Dam 20k race. So I'm stuck with a commitment to an activity I find boring at best, and dangerous at worst: running. But I am a hiker and so I figured it would be no big deal to walk this race at my fastest hiking/walking pace of around 4 mph (approx. 15 miles per mile) despite zero training for it. Really pretty stupid. I was able to maintain that pace but I did short myself on the water, which I carried with me in spite of a plethora of water stations. I cramped up the last two miles but managed to maintain my pace.

I forwent the usual minimalist running gear. This was a "hike" after all. My "race" gear consisted of a hiking lumbar pack, rain jacket, spare t-shirt, couple of power bars, and two 27 oz. bottles of water.  I did leave my poles at home, as well as my Tilley hat. I'm not entirely a nerd.

We were soaked to the socks before the event even started (a half hour late because of the weather). 138 bus drivers unceremoniously dropped off 10,000 sleepy, wet, yet still game runners at the Saylorville Dam at around 6 am. There we waited until all runners were present and the weather cleared enough to start. We encountered a 30 minute lightening delay (protocol), and when the 10,000 were finally assembled on the mile-long dam, the race began. Good they waited because mother nature had a nice surprise to the exposed runners with the starting gun: gale force winds and pelting sharp needles of cold rain. The 10,000, however, showed an amazing sangfroid of humor and resolve in spite of the conditions, and we were off and, in my case anyway, walking.
My race bib, first and I might add last, I'll ever don. This would have been my last Dam to Dam even if this weren't the last Dam to Dam. But thanks, Susy, for the experience. Now that I know a runner I do not make, I'm free to pursue enjoyable activities.

Official race stats:
Pace 14 minutes 50 seconds a mile
Clock Time 3:10:09
Net Time 3:04:23

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