There are many ways to hike up to Wasson Peak, some longer, some shorter, but this quick 8-mile loop is the most concise overview of the great scenery. This hike is correctly identified as moderate, especially when doing it in the average time of 4:14. I hiked it today in 2:30, and had a nice little workout. Passed a few Millennials and Gen-Xers on the way up, and there were a gaggle of folks from Phoenix at the top. I hiked this loop counter-clockwise as recommended and ran into a few clockwise-hikers on the descent.I hiked this same route in January of 2019 with my brother, Jon. He wasn't really in hiking shape, so we took it a little easier, finishing 20 minutes slower. In 2020, I had a similar time. Another route up I like is via the Sweetwater Trail, a hike Misty and I did in December 2022, and the year before with our pal Jack, from Quebec, with his friend Danny. That hike is considered a difficult hike, perhaps because it's over 9 miles; I beg to differ.
Nearing the junction with the Sweetwater Trail, which you see jutting off to the right.
Wasson Peak, which can only be seen from the last few switchbacks.
View from the summit.
Obligatory summit panorama pic.
I must say, 1:15 up for this much elevation gain and distance, ain't too shabby for a post mid-sexagenarian.
Looking down at my trail.
Constant reminders I am in the Saguaro National Park West.
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